Our Mission

Cultivating Impactful Experiences & Enriching Lives Through Mutually Beneficial Solutions.

Our Story

With a Permaculture, Permafuture approach, we are a homestead in Eastern Washington grounded in continuous improvement and regenerative agricultural practices.

While the world was changing in 2020, we were laying the groundwork for a permaculture, permafuture. With volatilities in the marketplace and supply chain disruptions abundant, the opportunity was evident. Having a vast background in real estate and agriculture, we prepared a business plan designed to contribute to the long-term solution. Our mission is to heal the Earth by focusing on regenerative agriculture practices. We are excited to cultivate a more self-reliant, sustainable, and regenerative future for their friends, family, clients, and investors. We are grounded with a holistic approach to life which encompasses our minds, bodies, and souls.

What We do

At Kaizen Roots we have a passion for teaching others about permaculture, farming, and agricultural principles through continuous improvement techniques. Our goal is to leave a legacy and a world worth inheriting by mimicking real-world ecosystems to create farming in nature’s image. The idea of this is Zen-like, where the farmer isn’t degrading resources as time progresses and after each subsequent harvest, but instead, resources are replenished. All aspects of the ecosystem play an integral part and fit together in harmony. We believe nature is integral to our daily lives.

Our Farm

Our flagship property in Walla Walla, WA is positioned on 18-acres along the Walla Walla River and a seasonal creek. We focus on heritage breeds such as Scottish Highland cattle, Southdown sheep, Kunekune pigs and an assortment of poultry while utilizing traditional farming techniques. All of the animals serve a purpose in rotational pastures which creates a complete ecosystem providing fertilization for the plants and in turn feeding the livestock. The animals are pasture raised and live a happy and healthy life without antibiotics or hormones.

In addition, a majority of our productive plants are perennials including an assortment of berries (elderberries, blueberries, currants, and huckleberries), hazelnuts, pecans, pears, apples, sugar maples, asparagus, and artichokes to name a few. The property is designed to leverage natural resources in a polyculture system without the utilization of fertilization or herbicides.


β€œRecently I was able to visit Kaizen Roots and was amazed by what Ryan and Kurtis have accomplished during the COVID shut down. They have taken a rural blank slate -so close to Walla Walla and all of its amenities - and are creating a destination farm life experience. Someday there will be rental cabins - so that β€œcity folk” can experience planting, harvesting, preserving, animal husbandry, and taking care of our planet, one cow, one turkey, and one sheep at a time. I can picture the future boardwalk down to the Walla Walla River (in the backyard), sipping an adult beverage beside a bonfire while watching the sun set and possibly casting a line into the water to catch a fish dinner. Looking forward to a return trip soon to see their progress!”

– Jodi L